This is a guide for you to improve your smartphone’s life.
Handle with care- careful usage for your smartphone.
use a phone case for your phone if you want to use that for more than a year. So if it droped down also it will be safe. invest in good case and and a screen protector. (gorilla glass)
Extreme usage-
don’t use your phone for so long for hours . have a break and then use it. If you use your phone continuously it wil lead to heating and eventually result in battery problems, heating and all.
Software updates-
keep your phone on auto update. So if there will be any software issue in your phone then it will be fixed with software updates. U should install the security updates also to maintain the security of the phone from time to time.
Use less features at a time-
if you are using your phone in car and want to hear music on Bluetooth at the same time you want to use maps calls etc. don’t do this this will lead to problems to your phone in future.
Consider repair-
If your phone has a minor issue, such as a cracked screen, it may be cheaper to repair it than to replace the entire phone.
Replace the battery-
A new battery can significantly improve the usability of an older phone. Try this if your battery drains out fast.
Shut down the phone once in a week-
power off your phone once in week for half an hour it will increase life of your phone
also check this video for reference-
if you want you can check this also-
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